jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

It`s a character that I did on my free time, it`s as a wizard, but with the medieval style....

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Dance Hula t`shirt

 I did a tshirt for a contest where the topic was the traditional dance from hawai, (Hula)

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

More of my artworks, this was a project where I have to represent some characters and a game called TUF-GOL... well I did many skecths but I choose my favorite...

here is where I did a sketch of my favorite characters,  I represent them on this game... , the firts it`s Don Eloy with his traditional outfit from Quito (Chullaquiteño), and he was a popular icon on Ecuador, and the second is the Condor bird, that is a native bird from the Andes... and the second I try to represent to tourtle george from Galapagos, he was the most older big tourtle on galapagos, and the last is Maximus, I choose this other bird, because it was a famous cartoon and when i was a child, I used to say on the comercial of Unicef... 

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Girls ballet

Girls using dress of tutu, if you like my work contact with me... 

Boy flying

Working in a cartoon of a boy, if you have an artwork similar like this, you can contact me by email: 